Contact Board Members

Name Title Email Remark
Alec Nelson President president@vmsc.org For any generic question email the President
Marc Portanova 1st V. P. 1st_Vice@vmsc.org For questions regarding Car classing, Tech, and competition email the 1st VP
Nick Green 2nd V. P. 2nd_Vice@vmsc.org For any question about OD, event schedule, etc. email the 2nd VP
Ron Paquette Registrar Registrar@vmsc.org For any questions about registration email the Registrar
Engelbert Muelhaupt Webmaster webmaster@vmsc.org For any questions about the website email the webmaster

VMSC Board Members

President - Alec Nelson
1st VP - Marc Portanova
2nd VP - Nick Green
Treasurer - Charles Daugharthy
Secretary - Dana Cole
Insurance - Sam Banks
Registrar - Ron Paquette
Marketing /Social Media - Lana Portanova
Timing - Sam Banks
Statistician - Sam Banks
Trophies - TBA
Webmaster - Engelbert Muelhaupt
Novice Chair - Nathaniel Smith
Trailer - Paul Inskeep
Banquet - Dana Cole

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